News & Events

Special events
All arrangements for Weddings, Funerals, Room Rentals, and Special Events must be made through the Parish office (803-329-1008) with Fr. Agustín Guzmán or Deacon Terrence Chisolm.

Advent Penance Service – December 7
Join us at 6 pm for this reverent service. Several priests will be available to hear confessions.

Children’s Advent Kick-off Event – December 8
Our Faith Formation team invites all children to join after the 10 am Mass for a variety of activities to welcome the Advent season.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception – December 9
Mass will be celebrated at 9:30 am. This is a holy day of obligation.

Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest 
The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a Keep Christ in Christmas contest for children ages 5-14. Contestants must draw a Christmas picture featuring Christ on 11 x 17 poster board. Cash prizes will be awarded to the winners. Entry forms are located on the Knights of Columbus information table in the church gathering space. Entries must be turned in at this location by December 22 following the 10 am Mass.

Christmas Mass Schedule
December 24, 4 pm – Children’s Mass
December 24, 9 pm – Christmas Vigil
December 25, 8 am & 10 am – Christmas Day Mass
December 31, 6 pm – Vigil for Mary, the Mother of God
January 1, 9:30 am – Mass for Mary, the Mother of God

Parish Office closed 
December 24 & 25
January 1

New Culture of Life Committee
A new Culture of Life Committee is organizing at St Mary’s and is welcoming interested parishioners. The ministry’s focus is promoting human dignity from conception to natural death. If you have ideas on how to enact this mission, or want to participate in any way, please contact Katie Bessman, St. Mary Culture of Life Coordinator, at 360-449-2942 or

Check out these free events in Bannon Hall!

December 8 (2-4 pm): Afternoon of Poetry & Prose
Featuring Scott Owens, professor and Pushcart poet, sharing from An Augury of Birds, a new collaboration with photographer Clayton Joe Young.

December 12 (7-8:30 pm): Christmas Concert featuring Ananda
Pianist PJ Brunson and violinist Laurie Neal of the duo, Ananda, bring the spirit of Christmas during a candlelight concert. The duo weaves intricate melodies of beloved holiday classics with Celtic and classically inspired instrumental arrangements. Take a break from the holiday madness to relax and breathe in the music.


Stay Up to Date With The Latest News

Street Address
902 Crawford Road
Rock Hill, SC 29730

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 11982
Rock Hill, SC  29731

Office  (803) 329-1008
Office hours 9:00 am-12:30 pm Monday-Friday

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